“Capture. Capture. They (the slaves) didn’t walk to the slave ship. They were captured. They were captured by other African folks. […] Africans did participate in the capture of slaves.”
“Imagine (yourself as a woman) being captured from your village, in the middle of night, put in chains, collars made with the purpose of chaining people to each other […] taken to a fort, a military fort that then was transformed into a slave fort/post […] you have your clothes taken off […] imagine yourself as a woman, with your breast, your genitalia, exposed to all people, to your siblings, to your family members […] placed to sit on the floor for months, without any care about your period times […] you haven’t seen the ocean, you were scared of the ocean, and you were placed on a ship to cross the ocean, when ships weren’t design to carry human beings […] there were no latrines, and people used to defecate on another […] many of them were abused, and arrived in the New World pregnant, which doubled their price.”
Suggested reading: Orlando Patterson's work (Amazon.com Search). Here, his interview in the NYTimes. An audio interview extract here and his opinion about Obama's victory in Democracy Journal here.
Complete audio of the lecture here.
hola mi amigo! cordial saludo ^ ^!
ReplyDeletesu blog se ve bonita 0_0
por cierto,
si usted necesidad de encontrar fuentes únicas, puede ir a nuestra página web.
saludos cordiales;
obrigada por ese blog!
ReplyDeletequeria decirte que en brasil tambien existe muchas historias submergidas que no aparecen en la historia formal, por ejemplo, sobre la esclavitud. una de las ladainhas famosas en la capoeira es esta:
A história nos engana/ Dizendo pelo contrário/ Até diz que a abolição aconteceu no mês de maio/ Comprovada essa mentira/ E que da miséria eu não saio/ Viva 20 de novembro/ Momento pra se lembrar/ Não vejo em 13 de maio nada pra comemorar...
etcetera ...
Easy Luciano---very impressed my brother. I should just stop taking notes NOW! you've got it all under control I see... =o) Rosalee